Friday, October 5, 2012

8- Month old baby Joshua Oluwajuwonlo with a hole in the heart needs our help

The pictures above is what is left of our once bubbly and lively bundle of joy, Master Joshua Oluwajuwonlo Mordi. It all began at birth when we noticed his breathing was a little faster than normal, but we were too overwhelmed with joy of our new arrival to pay serious attention. Though the Doctors carried out routine checks after which we were assured he was going to be fine or possibly outgrow it, the reverese is what we are now faced with. Reality set in when he suddenly began to lose weight and show little or no interest to feeding and became a shadow of his once lively self. We were advised to try a variety of baby formulas / food and he rejected them all. Please click to continue.Conditions grew worse and now he weighs just 5kg at 8months. After various investigations by the family Doctor, we were referred to Lagos teaching hospital (LUTH) Idi Araba Lagos where further investigations was done and we were referred again to Mecure Healthcare Limited, Osodi Lagos for a 2D ECHO SCAN where he was diagnosed with HYPOPLASTIC LEFT HEART SYNDROME WITH SINUS VENOSUS ASD.(HOLE IN THE HEART).
According to the Echo Scan report, a surgery is advised as soon as possible if he is to survive and live a normal life. We have been referred to a hospital in India and the surgery will cost about N3,000,000.00 (Three Million Naira)only. This sum is a whole lot, but with the help of friends and well meaning Nigerians we can raise the amount. If we get a N1,000.00(One Thousand Naira)only from 3000people we can help Joshua stay alive. Please pay into the account with details below.
Parents contact No; 08034765374, 08052677662,08055464640
Account Name: Mordi Joshua O.
Account No: 3063812597
Bank Name: First Bank Plc

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