I really don’t know anything about this. I was chilling at home on Wednesday when someone tweeted at me if the Deola story was true. I asked who Deola is and he said Sunny Ade’s daughter. I said I don’t know her and I have never heard of her name before. The person told me Encomium Mag published a story about Deola responding to a rumor that she slept with a security guard and that I started the rumor. I was shocked and quickly tweeted of a location where I could get a copy in ketu area, but the person tweeted the page at me, which I read and laughed.
But how come they picked on your own twitter handle and not someone else? Are you also a student of Ajayi Crowther University?
I really don’t know. I am not a student of the said university. I graduated from Enugu State University in 2007 where I studied Masscomm. May be another Gossip Girl started it, and they mistook her for me. They used my own handle which is wrong. You and I know we have a lot of Gossip Girls on twitter, I just happen to be the most famous. Thank you.
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